Jasmine Mae is officially one and a half months old. She has come a long way during this short journey so far. I remember hearing of how hard it was going to be raising such a tiny miracle. Jenna and I have been here for her each day and it has been pretty exhausting for sure. Our daily routine is broken down like this.
Each day we wake up and call the NICU for an update. Get the household ready and drop off our kids at school and daycare. (Allie is currently on summer break, so we have to take her to grandpa’s or auntie’s house.) I drive both of us parents to work, going from one end of the valley to the other in one car. Work all day then after I pick up Jenna from her work across town. We then go back to the U of U NICU from Cottonwood Heights and visit our baby.
During this time we do Jasmine Mae’s “cares” which involve changing her diaper, taking her temperature and giving her ‘LOVES’ while the nurse informs us on her vitals. After about 2 hours, we say our goodbyes to Jas and proceed to pick up her sisters from where we dropped them off that morning.
Sounds pretty exhausting doing this daily right? Well probably the most exhausting part of the day has to be our visit with Jasmine. There’s something about the NICU that can test a human’s stamina. I have to give it up to the doctor’s, nurse practitioners and care takers. With the constant “dinging” that rings through the rooms and hallways, to the crying infants in each room. Not to mention the constant calls from the parents of the small fighters through out the day. BIG UPS TO YOU PROFESSIONALS! It seems like all the energy from your body gets tested once you enter that room with your beautiful baby.
The love for our baby and knowing that she is defying some of the odds that were against her a month and a half ago are what keeps us going. She has recently been extubated! Our nurses are still keeping a good eye on her, but so far her apnea issues are looking better. She now can take a pacifier which brings smiles and awes to the nurses because of how small she is!
God bless our darling princess. Daddy Loves You SO Much Jasmine Mae!
Follow our journey here www.OurTinyMiracle.com