Doja Cat said she loves trolling fans online about the rumors that she is a member of the Illuminati. “This Illuminati s__t is so funny to me,” Doja wrote on social media. “I’m gonna keep doing deliberate weird ass s__t just to make those people uncomfortable. I’ve fr found a new outlet of joy,” she said. She tweeted, “playing with people’s ignorance and stupidity for my own happiness and personal gain.”
Doja Cat Admits Her “Joy” At Trolling Fans Over Illuminati Rumors
— allhiphopcom (@allhiphopcom) February 8, 2023
A fan pointed to her “Eyes Wide Shut” themed birthday party as proof of her affiliation. However, Doja said she loved that movie, and the theme was “the best.” In addition, Doja said she loves to “go to war with trolls” and is thinking of fanning the Illuminati rumors by getting a tattoo. Do you believe in the Illuminati?
Read more from The Beat here.