“Iconnic” Music Festival Coming Soon…
Ja Rule intends to take what ultimately became a disaster and turn it into an opportunity to make things right. “In the midst of chaos there’s opportunity” and Ja Rule is looking to make the most of the failure that FYRE festival was.
TMZ caught up with Ja Rule on Valentine’s Day at the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).
When asked if he could look back and laugh at it all now, Ja Rule insisted that it was no laughing matter. He also took the opportunity to reveal that he’s working to create something similar to what he hoped FYRE would be. he’s cooking up something that will mimic what the Fyre Festival was initially supposed to be.
“I got my new platform Iconn…so I have plans to create the Iconnic music fest. But you ain’t hear it from me.” See the whole interaction below.
Would you consider attending the first ever “Iconnic Music Festival?”
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