
Celebrities React To DACA & 5 Facts about ‘DREAMers’

If you are seeing celebrity and media posts about the DACA and asking yourself, ‘What is the DACA and what is the big deal?’, you’re not the only one.

Here’s 5 facts according to about the DACA and why it’s a mistake to get rid of it.

1.What does DACA stand for and who are the recipients?

  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals also known as ‘DREAMers’
  • Children brought to the US at around ages 6-15 that are now in their 20’s and 30’s with jobs, homes, cars and LIVES.
  • Most DACA recipients do not speak the language of their previous countries and are not familiar with anything related to them because they were raised in the US.
  • Many DACA recipients do not even know that they are not citizens until they apply for a Drivers License or university.

2.What does the DACA do?

  • The DACA allows for those who were brought to the US as children by their parents illegally to continue living and obtain work permits and to have their deportations delayed.
  • DACA recipients pay $495.00 every 2 years to apply.

3.What are the benefits of DACA recipients to the economy?

  • DACA recipients contribute $1.2 billion in revenue to the economy in federal, state and local tax revenue.
  • 95% of DACA recipients are working or in school.
  • DACA recipients pay federal income taxes.

4. How many recipients benefit from DACA?

  • 886,814

5. Who decided it was a good idea for the DACA to be rescinded and who thinks that decision is a mistake?

  • President Donald J. Trump rescinded the DACA Sept. 5, 2017 and DACA permits for many recipients will expire Mar. 6 unless Congress passes another bill.
  • 73% of Donald Trump voters disagree with Trump and want young DREAMers to stay in the US legally.
  • 19 state attorneys general and Washington, D.C.’s Attorney General have urged President Trump to keep the program.


These celebrities are not pleased as well about the decision. #U92SupportsDACA

Yassss #Cher #defenddaca #dreamers#dumptrump#lovealwayswins

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Lauren Jauregui from Fifth Harmony


Russell Simmons

For more info and how you can help or support Dreamers and the DACA go to DACA: How to help


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