This week (Thursday, May 24) I didn’t have to travel too far from the U92 studios as I was out at West High School in Salt Lake. I was able to set up a table inside and interact with the high school students during their lunchtime and have them submit nominations for their favorite teacher at the school.
A total of 72 votes were placed during A and B lunch at West High School, with 32 teachers receiving nominations. The exciting thing about this week is that many students asked if they could nominate more than one teacher. That tells me that the teachers at West High really have an impact on their students.
With 10 nominations from her students, Kev’s Teacher of The Week is Mrs. Thompson.
Mindy Thompson teaches, AP English Lit, ELP 7th Grade Language Arts and IB English at the school. Here’s what some of student’s had to say about her,
“She teaches really well and is very entertaining.”
“She makes it interesting, and involves the class in conversations.”
“She always pushes us to look deeper into works of literature and creates an inclusive environment.”
“Her attitude and knowledge. She really wants us to understand.”
“She connects well with what students need to learn.”
“She is an amazing teacher and has taught me so much this year.”
Not far behind Mrs. Thompson was Physics teacher Enrique Arce-Larreta who received 8 nominations from students. Here’s what some of the students had to say about him as well,
“He keeps it real and interesting. He’s the best and I am grateful.”
“Hecka funny and cool.”
“He is fun, his lessons aren’t too dull and there aren’t too many assignments.”
“He is willing to slow down and teach concepts until you really understand.”
There was a four-way tie for third place with four nominations each. Math teachers Ms. Ardito and Mr. Haglund, History teacher Mr. Tobler, and German teacher Mrs. Barnard.
Congratulations to all of the teachers at West High School who received votes, we appreciate all that you do for the rising generation.
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