Rihanna took to social media yesterday to announce that her New puma line will launch in the fall of 2016. Lately, RiRi has been all in on the fashion scene, ever since she was announced as the Puma women’s creative director earlier this year.
I’m thrilled to share the #DiamondBall auction on @Paddle8, proceeds go to benefit the mission of @ClaraLionelFdn: https://t.co/ZvSA8ogWFW
— Rihanna (@rihanna) December 8, 2015
Prior to the release of her new Puma line, Rihanna will hold an upcoming auction event held in New York, early next year. In addition to releasing lots of goodie items, she is auctioning a pair of two front row tickets to attend the NYFW show next fall.
The auction party will be on Friday, February 12th, 2016 at 8PM – the location has not been disclosed yet, but — plan on bringing 15K to start your bid for a chance at the front row seats.